TC Meeting: November 4th, 2021
- Attending: Azer, Jacky, Jasper, Maike, Reinaldo, Reinhard
- Missing: Alessandra, Ludovic
- Note taker
- Robocup 2022 update:
- RoboCup is happening 99% sure in presence
- we have the contacts to the LOC - different people from who we nominated (because of time reasons)
- Brazil Open Recap:
- after correct images were used it was much easier
- scripts strongly depend on robocup infrastructure
- Vinicius created some scripts which do not depend on e.g. the results website
- after setup went mostly smoothly
- GermanOpen
- no official central german open
- possible distributed event
- joined event between SPL and HL (organized by HULKS in Hamburg)
November Newsletter
- Date of RoboCup confirmed, CfP coming within the next days
- Virtual Season likely to start in December, CfP will follow soon
- focus groups work started - we need more people to help