TC Meeting January 14, 2022
- Attending: Azer, Alessandra, Maike, Reinhard, Marek Suppa, Luis Jose Lopez, Amy Eguchi, Evgeny Shandarov
- Missing: Jasper, Ludovic, Jacky, Reinaldo
- Note taker: Alessandra (first hour)
Junior/Major Bridging event
Presentation of Azer’s idea (HELSI) - presented in other TCs meetings, and document sent by email
- What is the overall bridging idea?
- Is it a bridging or junior event? Amy believes that junior would be more motivated to join if we have an actual bridge event to increase the number of novel teams
- If we want an entry level, how do we make sure it is not becoming its own tournament?
- for example, limit the participation time
- Which are the requirements and ideas?
- Marek: The event should be more availbale, affordable, give some results that juniors can be proud of.
- Marek: Some use Webots environment to remove the difficulty of hardware
- Luis: Juniors could be a good opportunity for them to move to Major
- Amy: We should not focus on the age of the participants (high school, junior, etc…) more to have it as entry level for HL