Attending: Reinhard, Reinaldo, Maike (the meeting did not constitute a quorum, so no decisions were taken)
Missing: Ludovic (on strike), Jacky, Soroush, Tony
Note taker: Maike
- Website
- Bold Hearts made videos about the RoboCup in Sydney. They are now linked from the Humanoid Website
- new videos could be presented a bit more prominently
- Local Organization
- Still no confirmation whether we will be having 2 AdultSize fields or not
- If we only have one field, the maximum number of teams we can qualify in AdultSize is 6 (other teams can then be offered to do Technical Challenges, merge with other teams and be runner-up in case teams drop out)
- Maike will send another e-mail
- Opening of the registration still unknown
- Trustee approval on HOC and HRD
- Still no news from Oskar
- Humanoid Research Demonstration
- On the website the deadline has not been updated to the extended deadline – Reinaldo changed that right away
- Reinaldo sent the updated CfP to the mailing lists and the trustees
- Reinaldo will send a final CfP
- Humanoid Open Competition
- Reinaldo adds to the website that the HOC is postponed to next year
- On-site meetings during RoboCup need to be held about this
- Humanoid Junior-Major demo?
- No feedback from the Junior Humanoid work group
- we should arrange meetings during RoboCup about the future of this
- The discussion period in the forum ended on February 7th - nobody participated
- The voting on the discussion outcomes was supposed to start in two days
- Topics for voting:
- Minimum height for AdultSize
- 100cm as new lower limit, which means KidSize is up to 100cm
- 110cm as the middle between 90cm to and 130cm
- 130cm as it was before, which means KidSize is up to 130cm
- Moving ball challenge
- Random position of the goal kicker
- Position the goal kicker further back
- Force the pass to be performed by a robot (pushes toward robot cooperation)
- Add an obstacle between the initial position of the ball and the robot receiving the ball. (pushes toward obstacle avoidance)
- Keep as is
- Fair play rule
- No voting necessary
- Push Recovery for AdultSize
- Parkour Challenge
- Standing up challenge
- Keep as is
- Minimum height for AdultSize
- This will be confirmed with the TC again
- Voting period will be postponed accordingly
Protocol Repository
- NuBots asked for write access on the protocol repository to add a visualization tool they have written for this
- No objections, writing access will be granted