TC Meeting December 2nd

TC Meeting December 2nd, 2021

  • Attending: Jasper, Alessandra, Maike
  • Missing: Jacky, Reinaldo, Azer, Ludovic, Reinhard
  • Note taker:


  • Robocup 2022 update:
    • Any updates from the LOC?
    • Status OC-Meeting for RoboCup? (Alessandra?) – will do
  • GermanOpen
    • Any news whether there are enough teams? – no news
  • December Newsletter
    • Reminder RoboCup CfP & Deadline
    • Reminder Virtual Season sign-up, announcement of first streaming will follow
    • Timeline for rule updates
  • Meeting with Trustees about RCF-Funded-Projects
    • Trustees want to define more specifically what projects actually benefit the leagues
    • they asked us to tell them what projects are useful
    • SPL also wants to do a project regarding recording and analyzing games
  • Future of the GameController (in cooperation with SPL)
    • There is the RoHOW (RoboCup Hamburg Open Workshop) happening this weekend and Maike registered a workshop to start talking to SPL about the GameController again (and there is already interest from SPL to pick this topic up again)
  • Junior/Major Bridging event
    • Will be discussed in a separate meeting (Azer sent a Doodle)

Virtual Season

  • Status
    • Currently we have 7 submissions
  • Deadline for registrations is this Friday
    • shall we send a reminder again? – Maike sends it in the newsletter
  • Robot Model submissions?
    • Maike sets up an S3 system for the RobotModel and team.json TODAY! and sends the information to teams
    • verification status on results website
    • deadline monday 6th
  • Docker image size
    • increased to 15GB since teams have issues with 10 due to dependencies
    • script that checks that needs to be adapted (–> Andre)
  • Saturday or sunday:
    • 4 teams for sunday, 3 for saturday

RoboCup 2022 organization

  • Status of the submission system
    • It’s open, almost open for HRD as well (will happen today)
  • We have sent the wrong link, will fix that on website (done) and next CfP (will happen today)
  • Status of the CfP - when are we sending out reminders
  • Status of Special offers:
    • Rhoban’s arrived
    • Waiting on one from Robotis
    • What about the new company? – Alessandra messages the company again that we are taking the second offer, the first one doesn’t fit in

Rule Updates & Timeline

  • Topics for update
    • Open points from the rule discussion during last RoboCup:
      * Reduction of the handlers interventions
      * Update of the technical challenges
      * Adding a part that requires teams to clearly announce usage of code and hardware from other teams (take SPL as an example and adapt)
    • “Merge” of the physical and virtual rule book - someone needs to go and identify the critial parts that cannot be taken back to the main rule book
      * If we want to use only one rule book, how should that look like to not make it too confusing?
      * footnotes for specific values for autoreferee
      * Maike will look through it
    • From the last rule voting
      * Duration of Knock-out games should not be extended
      * Rules regarding Wifi Quality should take effect in 2021
      * no discussion only wording
    • Anything else? – not that we know of

Meeting Minutes on the Forum

  • We used to have a shortened version of our meeting minutes on the forum - who can take responsibility for that?
    • Alessandra takes care

Other upcoming initiatives for the next year:

  • Future of the Humanoid League Open Competition - responsibilities, rule book, …
  • Recording and streaming of Games with automatic statistics and video augmentations