TC Meeting Dec 4th

Attending: Jacky (partially), Reinaldo, Tony, Maike, Ludovic
Missing: Reinhard, Soroush
Note taker: Maike


  • Website Header image
    • Reinaldo send around a proposal
    • We would like to keep the logo in the header even though it is on the official server now
  • HSC Submissions
    • 8 in AdultSize (one more team still expected to apply late)
      • Proposal: 2 round robin groups of 4, total of ~24 Games (last year 20) (not counting TC)
    • 21 in KidSize
      • 4-5 teams which do not plan to have at least four robots, so they would be merged after Drop-In games
      • 2 groups of 4 in division A, 3 groups of 3 or 4 in division B
    • Number of applications makes it crucial to have 5 + 2 fields, otherwise we need to be very selective about the teams
    • We have one team that is 100 cm that only wants to play in one league, but would prefer AdultSize. We believe it would be better for them to play in KidSize and Ludovic will contact them to discuss
    • Reviewer assignment:
      • TC needs to declare conflict of interest
      • One team declared conflict of interest with all teams from their own size class. TC decision to have this team reviewed by teams from the other size class and vice versa (nobody opposed to this proposal)
  • Local Organization
    • No major updates
    • Reinaldo prepares a technical drawing for the parkour device
  • Trustee approval on HOC and HRD
    • No updates yet, Maike will follow up
    • Especially for Humanoid Research Demonstration this is crucial since the CfP is ready to be sent out
  • RCF project status
    • Livestream+DataSet project: Accepted
    • We don’t know about the status of other projects
  • Roadmap
    • Postponed until after Christmas

Rule voting results

  • Maike sent around the decision minutes and Ludovic prepared an updated draft – everyone read it carefully, make sure it is correct and all rule changes are properly included
  • They will both be published together in a week
  • Participation in Technical Challenges only?
    • This was not discussed as part of the roadmap
    • Proposal: Remove the rule saying the robots need to have played in the main game
      • Maike sends an E-Mail to the TC asking for opinions. If there is strong support by all members, we change it
      • Ludovic declares conflict of interest on this decision
    • Proposal: Collaborative Communication challenge instead of Push-recovery for AdultSize?
      • We agree that we do not want to open another general voting process. Since only three AdultSize teams participated in the voting, they will be contacted separately
      • In case there is strong support by the teams, this rule might be updated later on – however, the rule book would be published with the current status for now
      • Rule regarding AdultSize mininum: This will be thoroughly discussed for next year - will leave it as is for now, but announce that this will be revised and voted on for next year

Junior KidSize

  • Proposal by Reinhard
  • We can discuss this for 2021, especially with all the implications it has for running the league
    • Junior are not allowed to enter the major team areas, how would they play?
    • We do not have enough fields for 2020 to host another league
  • What is the status of approval by the Trustees?

Humanoid Open Competition

  • Given the time left and the unclear number of fields, the first step is to know how many teams would be interested
    • Send out a Call for intention to participate and then we take the discussion further as soon as we know about how many teams are interested
  • Reinhard and Jacky are responsible (?)
  • Next step: Prepare a Call for intention and send that to the TC for revision

Center of mass measuring

  • The problem is that the rules and device are currently not consistent - specific problems with robots that cannot be flat on the plank
  • Building a device that accurately measures the center of mass is difficult
  • Allowing teams to bring their own devices as proof would be a nightmare in the organization
  • Reinaldo provides a drawing for a new measurement device that will be provided to all teams so they can prepare

Humanoid Research Demonstration

  • CfP is on track, we’re only waiting for the approval of Trustees and then we can go ahead

Next meeting

  • Ludovic sends doodle