Attending: Ludovic, Reinhard, Soroush, Wang, Maike, Jacky
Missing: Reinaldo
Note taker: Maike, Ludovic
Rules about the size and weight restrictions for the leagues
- Height
- KidSize: new max height of 100cm
- AdultSize: new min height of 100cm, new max height of 200cm
- Ball: Will remain the same
- Weight: New restriction of BMI between 5 and 30 for both KidSize and AdultSize
Channels for TC/League
- Website: Everything will be moved to, the submission system shall be moved to the Federation server as well
- Discord shall be opened to the league for quick questions regarding the rules (no discussions!) and communication between the teams
- Forum will continued to be used for rule discussions
- Mailing list can be used for announcements (also by teams)
Call for Participation
- We prepare a proposal for the Open Humanoid League rule set based on the publication by Maike, Reinhard and Jacky.
- Humanoid on Stage proposal will be discussed in the next meeting
- Call for Participation needs to be adapted to the new changes in the tournament format
- Call for Special Offers will be sent out via the mailing list
Application process
- Major change required in announcement of competition rules to make clear team with 1 robot might be requested to merge
- Humanoid On Stage:
- Short technical description of the demo and required material
- Extended abstract
- Either video or image
- For regular tournament and Open Humanoid League
- Description of current state of the software in the submission form
- TDP will become extended abstract with maximum of two pages along the questions:
- Lessons learned from last year
- Major problems team is working on
- State of implementation by the time of submitting the application
- Plans for update until RoboCup
- We will try to negotiate that it is possible to show a demo without additional cost with participating in the soccer tournament or Open Humanoid League (needs to be discussed with Trustees)
- If teams want to participate in soccer tournament and Open Humanoid League, they need to register and pay for two teams
Review process
- In the soccer tournament, every submission shall be reviewed by 2 TC members and 2 teams
- Reviewers are selected among their own sub-league
- Handled via the submission system
- 1 PC member per league ensures the qualities of the reviews
- If a team doesn’t submit review or inappropriate reviews, they get a minus for their own application
Process for rule and roadmap update
- Proposition for rules: ask teams to vote on patch of the rules directly
- Timeline:
- October 25th: Deadline of Rule Discussion period in the forum
- November 8th: Deadline for implementation of rules + preparation of voting materials
- November 11th-November 25th: League-wide voting on rule changes
- November 29th: Publishing of final rule draft
- January 31st: Final rulebook publication
- Who is allowed to vote?
- Only teams who participated in last year’s RoboCup and only 1 vote per team
- Teams need to enter an email address to you can’t just vote for another team
- A summary of the meeting minutes will be published in the forum
- List of responsibilities among TC members will be made publicly available on the website so it is easier for teams to find the right contact person
The next meeting will be held in mid of September.