Attending: Reinaldo, Reinhard, Soroush (first part), Ludovic, Maike, Jacky (second part)
Missing: Tony
Note taker: Maike
- Humanoid Junior-Major Demo
- planned for 2021, but there are still some organizational parts missing - especially the availability of the Major fields should be taken into account
- Local Organization
- RoboCup was postponed to 2021 in Bordeaux, most of the LOC will stay the same
- Main concern is still the situation with the fields: We got 1 AdultSize field and 4 ‘normal’ KidSize plus 1 ‘outdoor’ KidSize field
- our preferred configuration is still 2 Adult + 5 KidSize - very important that all have the same light conditions within a league
- We see a fair chance that we get the Open Humanoid League organized in time for 2021, so the additional field capacities will be crucial
- Ludovic will step down as LOC, Reinhard takes over
- Maike sends an email to the OC & TC making sure they are willing to serve another term
Requirement for Data Storage on RoboCup servers
- 500 GB / year
- mostly videos and image datasets for permanent storage
- accessible for the general public
- upload frequency about once a month
Virtual RoboCup in 2020
- Reinaldo will ask his University whether we could use their webex subscription
- BigBlueButton or Jitsi might be alternative Open Source solutions as backup if it can’t be hosted in Brazil
- TC organized activities:
- RoadMap presentation + rule / roadmap discussion (Ludovic, Maike)
- Humanoid Open Competition presentation + discussion
- Humanoid Research Demonstration
- Junior-Major presentation + comments on the proposed rules (Reinhard, Jacky)
- we will have a specific call for contributions for this part
Next Meeting
- First week of June, Ludovic sends a Doodle