Results of the 2022 Rule Voting

We received a total of 17 votes in the rules survey. The following teams participated:

  • KidSize (12): RO:BIT, Hamburg Bit-Bots, RoboFEI, Bold Hearts, NUbots, CIT_Brains, THMOS, SYCU-Legendary, RhobanFC, Starkit, EROS, Electric Sheep
  • AdultSize (5): NimbRo, Sweaty, HERoEHS, Tsinghua Hephaestus, ZSTT-NTNU

Here is the overview of the results from the 2022 rule voting:

G01Q01: Damage to the Field
The rule will be added to the rule book (Merge of PR #11)

  • Agree to add following wording to Rules: A robot that damages the field, or poses a threat to spectator safety, will be removed from the field for a 30 second removal penalty (14 votes, 82.35%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules as they are (3 votes, 17.65%)
  • Abstain (0 votes, 0.00%)

G01Q03: Reducing handler interventions for KidSize (KidSize votes only)
No changes to the rules will be made (Reject of PR #13)

  • Accept Variant 1: Replace robot handlers by assistant referees (5 votes, 41.67%)
  • Accept Variant 2: Robots that were requested to be picked up will receive an extended penalty time of 60 seconds. (4 votes, 33.33%)
  • Accept both Variant 1 and Variant 2 (1 vote, 8.33%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules as they are (2 votes, 16.67%)
  • Abstain (0 votes, 0.0%)

Here voting option 4 is counted both as a positive vote to Variant 1 and Variant 2. However, even then we only have 6/12 in favor of the rule change, which is not a majority in favor, so no rules will be changed.

G01Q04: Reducing handler interventions for AdultSize (AdultSize votes only)
No changes to the rules will be made (Reject of PR #14, #15 and #16)

  • Variant 1: robot handler: should position himself behind the robot at a distance of at least TWO arm lengths away from the robot’s convex hull (2 votes, 40.0%)
  • Variant 2: robot handler: should position himself OUTSIDE playing field (0 votes, 0.0%)
  • Variant 3: For every TEAM, ONLY one robot handler is allowed to stay near the robots (0 votes, 0.0%)
  • Disagree with any changes in handler interventions (3 votes, 60.0%)
  • Abstain (0 votes, 0.0%)

G01Q05: Introduction of software challenge to 2023 rule book
This will be added to the RoadMap for implementation in 2023

  • In favor (11 votes, 64.71%)
  • Against (2 votes, 11.76%)
  • Abstain (4 votes, 23.53%)

G01Q06: Announcement of code and hardware usage
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #34)

  • Agree to add Announcement of code and hardware usage to rules (12 votes, 70.59%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules as they are (5 votes, 29.41%)
  • Abstain (0 votes, 0.00%)

G01Q17: Ball holding
Accepted to increase the time from 1 to 5 seconds and to reduce the vicinity of the ball (Merge of PR #28 and #29)

  • Option 1 with increasing time from 1 to 5 seconds (4 votes, 23.53%)
  • Option 2, reducing vicinity definition 50% (0 votes, 0.00%)
  • Disagree with any changes (1 vote, 5.88%)
  • Agree to add both changes in Option 1 with 5 seconds and Option 2 (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)
  • Option 1 with increasing time from 1 to 3 seconds (2 votes, 11.76%)
  • Agree to add both changes in Option 1 with 3 seconds and Option 2 (3 votes, 17.65%)

Again, we add the votes in favor for option 3 and option 6 to the respective individual votes for Option 1 (increase to 5 seconds OR increase to 3 seconds) and option 2.
After this modification, we have 10 in favor of Option 1 (increase to 5 seconds), which is a majority. For option 2, we have 9 in favor, which is again a majority. Hence, both rule changes were accepted.

G01Q19: Game timer
Majority is in favor of keeping the game time running (Merge of PR #32)

  • Game timer must be stopped for State Ready and State Set (8 votes, 47.06%)
  • Game timer must not be stopped for State Ready and State Set (FIFA) (9 votes, 52.94%)
  • Abstain (0 votes, 0.00%)

G01Q26: Standardized team communication protocol
Clear majority for the RoboCup protocol - we will add to the RoadMap that support for Mitecom will end in 2023

  • RoboCupProtocol (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • mitecom (1 vote, 5.88%)
  • Abstain (6 votes, 35.29%)

G02Q24: Merge of virtual rule book
Majority is in favor of the general merge of the two rule books (Merge of PR #33)

  • Agree to merge the physical and virtual rules into one rule book as suggested in the pull-request (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • Disagree and keep the virtual and physical rules separately (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G02Q19: General decision on FIFA rules
Here we have a tie - we will hence consider the individual votes that follow on the specific rule changes

  • No, rules that are already compliant with the FIFA rules should never be relaxed in the physical competition (FIFA) (8 votes, 47.06%)
  • Yes, allow for the possibility of relaxing FIFA-rules to stay synchronized with virtual rules (8 votes, 47.06%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q07: Team color assignment
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #18)

  • Agree to randomly choose the color in the physical competition (apply virtual rule) (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Disagree and allow teams to agree on a team color (keep physical rule) (9 votes, 52.94%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)

** G01Q08: Game time extended for penalty kicks**
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #19)

  • Agree to remove the rule to extend the game time for a penalty kick (apply virtual rule) (2 votes, 11.76%)
  • Disagree to remove the rule and keep the FIFA-rule (keep physical rule) (14 votes, 82.35%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q09: Replacing the coin toss by a random decision of the referee
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #20)

  • Agree to replace the coin toss by the referee with an additional decision by the team captain with a complete random decision by the referee (apply virtual rule) (3 votes, 17.65%)
  • Disagree to alter the rule and keep the FIFA-rule (keep physical rule) (12 votes, 70.59%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)

G01Q10: Dropped Ball
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #21)

  • Agree to add a specific definition of dropped ball to the rule book (apply virtual rule) (8 votes, 47.06%)
  • Disagree to further specify a dropped ball (keep physical rule) (7 votes, 41.18%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)

G01Q11: Yellow and red cards for teams
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #22)

  • Agree to add a rule that allows the Technical Committee to show yellow and red cards to teams (apply virtual rule) (7 votes, 41.18%)
  • Disagree and leave yellow and red cards for robots and robot handlers only (keep physical rule) (FIFA) (9 votes, 52.94%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q12Q1: Penalty kicks - staying behind the line
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #41)

  • Agree to allow the goal keeper to place itself on or behind the goal line (apply virtual rule) (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rule that requires the robot to stay on the goal line (keep physical rule) (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q12Q2: Penalty kicks - direction of goal keeper
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #42)

  • Agree to allow the goal keeper to face another direction than the kicker (apply virtual rule) (5 votes, 29.41%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rule that requires the robot to face the kicker (keep physical rule) (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)

G01Q13Q1: Throw-in - direction of player
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #35)

  • Agree to allow the player performing the throw-in to face another direction than the field of play (apply virtual rule) (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rule that requires the robot to face the field of play (keep physical rule) (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q13Q2: Throw-in - using one hand
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #36)

  • Agree to allow the player performing the throw-in to use only one hand when lifting the ball (apply virtual rule) (3 votes, 17.65%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rule that requires the robot to lift the ball with two hands (keep physical rule) (12 votes, 70.59%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)

G01Q13Q3: Throw-in - lifting the ball
This rule change was not accepted (Reject of PR #37)

  • Agree to allow the player performing the throw-in to throw the ball from another position than over and behind its head (apply virtual rule) (6 votes, 35.29%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rule that requires the robot to deliver the ball from over and behind the head (keep physical rule) (10 votes, 58.82%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q13Q4: Throw-in - time limit
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #38)

  • Agree to limit the time period of the player performing the throw-in to 10 seconds (apply virtual rule) (9 votes, 52.94%)
  • Disagree and keep the FIFA rules that do not limit the time of the throw-in (keep physical rule (7 votes, 41.18%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q13Q5: Throw-in - sanctions
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #39)

  • Agree to award a free kick to the opponent team if a robot attempts to perform a throw-in using its hand(s) but disrespect the rules (apply virtual rule) (in proximity with FIFA rules) (9 votes, 52.94%)
  • Disagree and leave the throw-in without any sanctions (keep physical rule) (7 votes, 41.18%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q14: Game interruption procedure
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #25)

  • Agree to specify the game interruption procedure (apply virtual rule) (13 votes, 76.47%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules underspecified (keep physical rule) (3 votes, 17.65%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q15: Penalty Shoot-out sanctions
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #26)

  • Agree to clarify the consequences of committing certain fouls during penalty shoot-outs (apply virtual rule) (12 votes, 70.59%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules underspecified (keep physical rule) (4 votes, 23.53%)
  • Abstain (1 vote, 5.88%)

G01Q16: Penalizing players
This rule change was accepted (Merge of PR #27)

  • Agree to specify where exactly penalized players should be placed (apply virtual rule) (12 votes, 70.59%)
  • Disagree and leave the rules underspecified (keep physical rule) (3 votes, 17.65%)
  • Abstain (2 votes, 11.76%)
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