- About the EUROBENCH project:
The EUROBENCH project aims to create the first unified benchmarking framework for robotic systems in Europe. This framework will allow companies and/or researchers
to test the performance of their robots at any stage of development. The project is mainly focused on bipedal machines, i.e. exoskeletons, prosthetics and humanoids,
but aims to be also extended to other robotic technologies.
- Who is elligible for contributing?
Every Humanoid League team from previous physically held competitions. Simulation data is outside the scope of the project.
- How can you contribute?
By providing how your robot performed during previous RoboCup competitions. This data will be incorporated into the EUROBENCH benchmarking framework.
- How will this benefit your team and the RoboCup community?
The RoboCup community will receive an assessment on how the competition and it’s competitors progressed throughout the years. Additionally, teams will be able to cross-compare
their performance to other teams, as well as platforms from outside the community through a uniform framework. If a team’s robot is a product prototype, this is a perfect opportunity
to quantify it’s performance.
- What experimental data should you provide?
We are accepting your performance data from walking, push recovery and obstacle clearance. The data should be isolated from your robots RoboCup performance, and should target at least one of the scenarios:
- Forward walking for an extended period of time
- Push recovery during standing and/or walking
- Walking over obstacles (e.g. stomping the opponent feet, unexpected items laying on the football field).
- What data files and formats are necessary for participation?
The information required consists of two different classes of files related to the performance:
Bipedal system specification: file providing specification of the dimension of any bipedal system.
File format: URDF (Unified Robot Description Format, *.urdf) written in XML. This file contains the number of joints, its labels, number of degrees of freedom, sensors, and allows for enhancements using tags for simulation purposes.
Naming should follow the convention “robot_TeamName_RobotName_info” -
Pre-processed data: Files containing actual measurements relevant to the performance of your robot.
File format: CSV (Comma Separated Values, *.csv). These files should contain sensory information (e.g. joint states, joint torques, IMU, ground reaction forces).
For an explanation on sensory information types, structure and naming convention please look here: Eurobench Data Format :: Eurobench framework documentation -
(Optional) Raw experimental data: Complete unspliced data from the run in the form of a rosbag.
For more information on data specification, please refer to: Eurobench Data Format :: Eurobench framework documentation
- What other information do you need to provide?
The submission does need to include the statement:
“With this submission, it is agreed upon that the data provided can be further processed and incorporated into the EUROBENCH database and published within the EUROBENCH project.
All rights are waived to holding team NimbRo, the University of Bonn, the EUROBENCH consortium or any other project participant accountable for any damage taken in the process.”
- How should the data be submitted?
The submission should be sent to nimbro-soccer@ais.uni-bonn.de, include the specified data in their respective data format.
Any other forms of submission such as unspecified data formats, compressed files or external links will be ignored and not treated as a valid submission.
This also holds true for submissions lacking the necessary statement.
- Until when can the data be submitted?
The deadline for this Open call is midnight (CEST) of the 30th of April, 2022. Any submissions made after this date will not be considered.
- Questions?
This topic will be further used to answer any other questions regarding the Open Call, until it expires.