The Hamburg Bit-Bots developed a new open source platform called Hambot. No it is not made of ham but 3D printed plastic. We want to use our first prototype this season and replace our Darwins till next season with it.
Any feedback is very appreciated. We would expecially like other teams to use and develope it.
Currently it is on version 2.0. We will release a version 2.1 shortly after the GermanOpen with manuals for production and assembly. A paper about this robot was submitted to th RoboCup symposium 2015 development track.
Further informations can be found here:
We redesigned some parts to use less Mx-28 motors, because we had the problem in Magdeburg, that they have to much play. This lead to a lot of instabilites while walking.
The design is almost finished and the first parts are already printed, but they are not on github yet, because we want to be sure, that the parts work before uploading the files.
Also the construction manual is delayed until the finish of V2.1.
If you are interested in getting the current files, please either ask in this thread or write me an message.