
Hey there,

Short: Please test out two versions of the GameController

I just started working on the GameController software and my pending operation is visible on github.

This, however, is the SPL main version.
What I also did is to fork the and merged the bhuman/master into it and made it run again. See (sheepsy90/GameController)

The goal of this post is to bring the GameController to a universal place again, but as I don’t know which features are in each version it would be great if some teams could spin up version A and version B and quickly compare and check how it behaves so we generate a list of features that might did not make it:

A: (The most recent fumanoid one one with bhuman/master)
B: (The master of bhuman)

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The HL GameController (i.e. the one at fumanoids/GameController) is actually just a copy of the 2014 “SPL” GameController with updated team names and logos and a few cherry-picked commits from upstream. Any relevant changes done in the HL GameController were merged back to a long time ago. If you look in the commit history, you will only see commits from me (for the HL changes, most of which are for team logos only anyway and the rest was merged back to the B-Human one) and of course the B-Human commits.

Thus I would suggest not to focus on merging the SPL GC back to the HL one, but rather to verify that the SPL GC is still compatible with the HL and fixing any issue there. As far as I am concerned, the best way for the Humanoid League going forward is to start using the B-Human GameController again and coordinate with them regarding updates.