The first version of the roadmap is now available here.
The source code is available on github.
Several comments have already been raised individually or by the trustees and have been either implemented or added as issues on the repository.
If you want to open a discussion or to suggest an idea, please post here. Issues will manually be collected and implemented by the TC.
Has anybody done any experimentation on taking a robot that works well on artificial grass and using them on a very forgiving real patch of grass [1]? It would be interesting to know how far off the league currently is given the current use of artificial grass. Would it be possible to arrange to have a small patch indoors on tarpaulin available at the competition for teams to test on? There would be several things we could possibly learn:
- Do current vision processing techniques work well?
- Are robots able to get up from (forgiving) real grass?
- Are robots able to walk on (forgiving) real grass?
In general I think that moving towards real grass both solves the problem of venue and teams being able to find suitable practice locations. This seems like a good step towards gauging how ready we are for the great outside, or at least where the challenges remain for teams. If we could arrange a test area then it could help drive roadmap discussion.
[1] An example of a “roll” of grass: