[Discussion 2024] Extra points performing throw-in using its hands In Drop-in games, for assisting goals

This discussion is intended to encourage the use of hands when performing throwing, until it becomes more common. (Drop-in games, Law 15 - The Throw-In in RC-HL-2024 Rules.)

Proposal 1: In a Drop-in game, the team of the player who performed the throw with his hand receives +1 point from the following results:

Outcome A : A goal is scored after the ball is thrown and the player who first assists (touches) the ball is on the same team as the player who performed the throw. before the next Game interruption procedure occurs.

Outcome B (alternative): A goal is scored before the next Game interruption procedure occurs after the ball is thrown and enters the field of play(A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in, Law 15 - The Throw-In in RC-HL-2024 Rules).

Proposal 2: In a drop-in game, a player who performs a throw with his hands from the following results: +2 points (outcome A), +1 point (outcome B) to the team.

I think proposal 2 is more assertive in the intent of this discussion. However, this can increase the complexity of game operation and score calculation.