[DISCUSSION] Adjusting height limits between Kid and Adult

I just want to elaborate on this point a bit further. Last year, due to the time constraints of making that decision before the Call for Participation is sent out (in the beginning of October), we took the decision on the height update within the TC and without asking the league for their vote on this matter. As it was later pointed out by Sven Behnke and Oskar von Stryk (the Trustee responsible for our league), this decision has potentially major impacts on the scientific progress of the league and should not be taken without asking the league first. Hence, we are opening this discussion topic properly again to take a decision that reflects the opinion of the league better.

And just a reminder for everyone: This is still only the discussion on this topic (and Ludovic proposed the potential voting topics), there is no need to vote on the forum. We will have a proper vote on this later in the fall.